Post Office

The HSU campus post office is located in the Moody Center basement. It is our goal to provide efficient and accurate mail service to the university and surrounding community and to provide you with information about various mailing services.

What services are offered at the campus Post Office?

The campus post office provides many services of the U.S. Postal Service including purchase of stamps and money orders, Priority Mail and Priority Mail Express services, Certified and Insured Mail services and mailing of packages. We also offer UPS package and UPS overnight mailing services. Currently this office cannot accept payment for FedEx services, however we do serve as a collection point (mailing point) for all packages bearing prepaid labels regardless the carrier.

We accept cash, check or charge ($1 min) for any window services. However, because this office is a federal post office, Cowboy Cash cannot be accepted as payment.


USPS Tracking

UPS Tracking

FedEx Tracking

U.S. Postal Service Postal Rate Calculator

UPS Shipping Rate Calculator

U.S. Postal Service Zip Code Finder

Contact Information

Callie Hayden
Post Office Manager
325-670-1315 or

Fall and Spring Semesters:
Mon-Fri: 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Sat: Closed

Summer Months:
Mon-Fri: 8 a.m. – 12 p.m., 1 p.m. – 5 p.m.

Mon-Fri: Closed (mail delivered)

  • Certified mail with or without return receipt
  • Domestic insured mail
  • Overnight Express mail or 2 to 3 day priority mail
  • Tracking and Signature Confirmation
  • Money Orders
  • Change of Address forms
  • Packaging supplies and help
  • UPS Overnight
  • UPS Business and Residence Service
  • Pick up/Drop off point for all carriers’ prepaid packages

The Post Office is here to serve YOU. If there is anything you have a question about, a concern about, or a complaint about, I urge you to talk to me about it. Your constructive criticism is always welcome.

Post office boxes are located in the Moody Center and are available to all registered and pre-registered students. All students living in a residence hall are required to have a campus mailbox.

Where should mail be sent?

Letter mail is addressed in this format:
Student’s Name
HSU Box _ _ _ _ _
Abilene, TX 79698

Packages are addressed in this format:
Student’s Name
2200 Hickory St, # _ _ _ _ _
Abilene, TX 79698

How do I get a P.O. box?
Mailboxes are usually assigned right before the Fall semester in August. The post office manager will then notify each student through HSU email with his/her box assignment and combination for access.

What if I didn’t get a notification or box assignment?
Look for a message from Callie Hayden with the subject HSU MAILBOX ASSIGNMENT. Check your Junk email folder. If you haven’t received an assignment, contact Mrs. Hayden at

What is campus mail?

Campus mail is mail sent from any enrolled HSU student, alumni, faculty, or staff member addressed to an HSU student, faculty/staff member, organization, or department that holds a campus mailbox.


  • Mail must be at least 3 ½ x 5 inches in size and should be placed in the “Campus Mail” slot at the post office.
  • Non-perishable items only
  • No postage is necessary
  • Absolutely no business advertisement allowed.
  • Do not send cash through the mail! Mailroom employees will not be held responsible for cash sent through federal or campus mail.

When is mail put up?

Mail is posted daily, generally before 11 a.m.

What are the HSU Post Office Regulations?

FYI: Information from the Student Handbook, pg. 34
You are welcome to have a campus mailbox as long as you are enrolled at HSU. However, if you need to close your box for any reason, you must submit a change of address to the HSU Post Office to get your mail forwarded.

The HSU Post Office receives all mail and packages from all couriers. Nothing is delivered to the residence halls. For this reason, all mail should be addressed to include your HSU box number. Should you receive a package, a notice will be placed in your box.

Mail from a student’s box cannot be released to someone else unless the occupant has signed a statement requesting such release.

Students cannot share mailboxes, with the exception of married couples and members of the same family.

If you need to change your mailbox placement for any reason, please see the post office manager.

IMPORTANT: Do not send cash through USPS or campus mail. Our employees will not be held responsible for lost cash in the mail.

Mailboxes for the University Place Apartments are located in the mail pavilion on the Southwest corner of the UP lot (the corner of Vogel and Cypress.) You may receive your mail at the UP pavilion or at you campus mailbox in the Moody Center but it is recommended that you choose one location and stay with that address.

Where should mail be sent?
All mail addressed to the UP Apartments should be in this format:

Student’s Name
1 Hardin Simmons University, #(Apt number here)
Abilene, TX, 79698

For instance, if Molly Brown lives in building 3 apt 104, her address is:

Molly Brown
1 Hardin Simmons University, #3104
Abilene, TX, 79698

How do I get a UP mailbox key?
The post office manager keeps the keys for the UP Apts.  You may check out your mailbox key at the Moody Center post office. When you move and return the key to the post office, ensure that your name is removed from the accountability sheet. Please remember, the person who signs for the key is responsible for its return. There is a $25 non-return fee.

What if I have a package that is too large to fit in my UP mailbox?
There are parcel lockers along the bottom of the mailbox units in the mail pavilion. Large packages are placed inside these lockers and the key to the locker is placed inside your mailbox.  Once you open the locker with the key, it will remain in the lock. Each key has an instruction tag that identifies which parcel locker your package is in.

Packages too large for the parcel lockers remain at the campus post office and a purple notice of its arrival is placed in your mailbox.

Questions? Contact Mrs. Hayden at

Postage-free flyer privileges are granted to University departments or organizations to promote University sponsored events. Additionally, area Christian churches are allowed one flyer per long semester only to give information on worship times or promote a free event that supports the well-being of our students.

  1. Flyers must get approval from post office management.
  2. Only University sponsored events can be promoted, churches excluded.

Mail arrives around 9:30 in the morning, usually posted by 11 a.m. We receive most of our deliveries in the morning. UPS ground deliveries usually come in the afternoon. When you receive a package, you’ll also receive a purple notice in your box. If you receive carrier notification that your package has arrived, please allow 30 minutes processing time before you check your mailbox for the purple notice card.

We receive deliveries from all carriers (USPS, UPS, FEDEX, LONE STAR, etc.) and they only deliver to the campus post office. When sending mail or packages, it is important to include the student’s mailbox number on the item in order to avoid delay in notifying the student of its arrival. Address mail pieces like this:

Format for letters:
Student’s Name
HSU Box _ _ _ _ _

Abilene, Tx 79698

Format for packages:
Student’s Name
2200 Hickory St, # _ _ _ _ _
Abilene, TX 79698*

*May also use 79601, depending on carrier

If you are expecting a package that you feel should’ve already been here:

  • Find out from sender which courier it was sent through.
  • Find out if it has a tracking number and what the number is.
  • Call 670-1321 and I’ll be happy to track it for you or find other avenues of locating it.

All students who are graduating, transferring, or not returning to HSU for any reason are required to close out their campus or apartment mailbox before the end of finals week of their final semester. To do so, please visit the Post Office to fill out a Notice to forward Mail form. We recommend that you fill out a change of address form on as well as changing your subscription addresses (i.e., Amazon, Home Chef, IPSY, Chegg, etc.).

For University Apartment mailboxes, please bring your key back to the campus Post Office and fill out a Notice to Forward Mail form. A failure to do so will result in a non-return fee of $25. Do not give your keys to your R.A. at check-out, as they are not responsible for bringing the keys to the Post Office. The keys are your responsibility alone.

Faculty or Staff who want to close a mailbox, please come to the Post Office to complete a Notice to Forward Mail form.